09 January 2007

Gems of the Past

You should all drop what you are doing and look into the life and music of Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, born January 25th 1756 in Austria, was an extraordinary, young musician and composer by the age that the rest of us were starting our abc's. I'm not sure if you've tried composing symphonies, but you can rest assured: it's not as easy as one-two-three. My passion for the music of Mozart has grown from owning a single cassette-tape for the basic purpose of a little study ambience to a collection of sonatas, symphonies, Christmas instrumental pieces, operatic works, inter altros. I recently attended a concert at the Konzerthaus in Berlin, Germany. That night, the 12 or so piece orchestra astounded us with their own beautiful renditions of Christmas music from the time of Mozart. Last year, a friend of me and I were fortunate enough to view a showing of Don Giovanni, Mozart's opera of dastardly womanizing, unabashed unfaithfulness, love and self-discovery. I recommend all of Mozart to every curious soul and vagabond music-lover.


bill said...
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bill said...

...and it makes you smarter, too...not a lot, just a lil bit. You forgot to mention that, so I did it for you.

Myself, I am more of a Tchaikovsky fan, but then again, for some reason I really like everything to do with Russia.

NYoumans said...

New I could count on ya Bill. Way to really come through this time. A ship-shape job. Neato.