06 December 2006

Panorama of Rome

The wonders of the human mind are something to be explored more profoundly. When we die, they say that we have used only an average 10% of our mental capacity. This man is an autistic, and yet you can watch as he designs a 16-foot wide (faithful!!!) panorama of Rome after making one round of the city in a helicopter. Behold.


laurie.nicole said...

don't know how relavent this is. in response the idea that we only ever use 10% of our brains capacity, someone told me that einstein said that as intelligent as he is, he probably only contains about 1% of all knowledge. this information was in reference to the excuse people use when they won't believe in God because they "don't understand how he works," and the analogy was that it would be the very reason to believe in God, because who would really want to believe in a God that we could completely understand, for if we can understand God, we would have gained 100% of all known knowledge. does this make any sense or did i completely screw it up?

The journey said...
