24 July 2007


As most of you know I'm in Munich, Germany for the summer. I'd like to able to explain to you perfectly the wonders that I've been through in my time here so far. Begrudgingly, I admit the limitations at hand. My stay is only three weeks old, and already I've learned and experience so much. It has been the best of times. It has been the worst of times, but for the most part it's been fantastic. I fulfilled a dream of mine just the other day. My flat mate invited me out with some of her friends. I didn't think much of it at first. This wasn't out of the ordinary. She had invited me to hang with various friends before. So, I got dressed and shortly thereafter we were out the door. I didn't realize it until I had trudged through the lines at the beer garden nearby what was actually taking place. Surrounded completely by Germans, I was drinking, chatting, and singing away in a Baverian beer garden. With my massive Steinkrug mug (out of which you drink by placing your hand through the handle and sort of forklifting it up towards your mouth) in hand and a bratwurst on my plate, I soon found myself in a Baverian wonderland. If you've never had this experience, I recommend it highly. The lovely atmosphere was enough to take away from the frustrations of not speaking fluent German. In case you havn't studied the language, here are some words by Mark Twain that will tune you in a bit to the world of grrrr that is German. In short, come one come all to Germany, the land of thinkers and poets (oh ya, and beer).

1 comment:

The journey said...

I wish a trip to Germany was as easy as blinking my eyes. It sounds like it has been and will be a terrific experience...(as I write terrific a am picturing tigger bouncing on his tail and annoying Pooh to no end).

Having the best of times and the worst of times in one place is a wonderful experience in which fun is had and growth occurs. I miss you my friend and love you dearly. Suzy